A large number of people think cooking Beef is difficult but there are no so many problems with Beef cooking. The most important thing to look for is the quality of halal beef that is to be cooked. Usually, the beef needs to be well hung and immensely filled with fat. This delivers the top flavor to the beef. A halal beef which is extremely thin doesn’t give the desired flavor and meat that has not been hung for at least 14 days will be difficult to eat.
The first thing to do is to mix plain flour with a teaspoon of mustard powder and black pepper. Do not mix salt as it will bring moisture out of the joint. Place the joint on a roasting rack in a very hot oven for around 15-20 minutes. Here the high temperature is meant to seal the meat and stop the leakage of meat juices during the cooking process.
After few moments, slow down the oven temperature and roast the beef for next fifteen minutes for each pound weight. It is suggested to leave the roasted beef for about half an hour and serves it on a warm plate with a piece of foil paper over the top of it and then put teal towels or newspaper on top of the foil.
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